Sunday, February 19, 2012

Eat Well for your Skin

Five foods to add to your diet that will help replenish and rejuvenate your skin!

Studies have show that you really are what you eat. Simply by adding these antioxidant rich foods to your diet, you can help your skin look more healthy and radiant! Leave behind greasy processed foods and start eating to give your skin the nourishment it needs.

1. Spinach: The folate levels in spinach help maintain and repair DNA, which can reduce cancer-cell growth in your skin. It also contains a plethora of other vitamins including vitamin E and vitamin A, excellent for your skin's healthy glow.

2. Almonds: Vitamin E is a great antioxidant, which helps to defend yourself against sun damage and Almonds are chock full of them! Easy to grab a handful to eat on the go, almonds are also a good source of magnesium and protein and loaded with the good fat - monounsaturated fatty acid. Added bonus, a terrific snack that can help stabilize blood sugar levels.

2. Blueberries - Studies have shown that the antioxidants in blueberries contain anti-aging properties. When it comes to looking younger, blueberries can‘t be beat! Inflammation is a major cause of skin aging and wrinkling so, once again, the powerful anti inflammatory properties of blueberries are high up on my list.

4. Foods rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acid and Zinc such as Tuna, Salmon, even Oysters. Omega-3s can reduce dryness and inflammation in your skin, two components that speed up the aging process. While Zinc assists in new cell production and the sloughing off of dead skin as well as reducing acne.

5. Papaya, carrots & Sweet Potatoes - the Orange foods are full of beta-carotene. Our bodies convert beta-carotene into vitamin A, which acts as an antioxidant, preventing cell damage and premature aging. In the case of vitamin A, you also get anti-acne benefits as well.

Eating a diet of whole unprocessed food, whatever they are, helps your body in so many ways to heal, rejuvenate and fight off infection. Go ahead and post a comment or ask me a question! I love to hear from you.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Image is Everything

My good friend Maryam is a Skin Care Specialist (and Master Eyebrow Designer). Maryam recently embarked out on her own, leaving Pure Beauty and opening up her very own place. During the transition, she and I were having a discussion on products. She wasn't sure if she wanted to continue with the product line she had been carrying at her last location. Although a reputable brand, it seemed to both of us that a 'greener' option would be more suitable for her new business and more fitting for her.

Finding the right Organic beauty products would take time and in the end, the time taken was well worth it. Maryam decided on Image Skincare products and more specifically, their Ormedic line. A perfect marriage of Medical Science and Organic ingredients for skin.

Now the proof is in the pudding. You will most definitely need to use the products to see, and better yet feel, what I felt through my facials with Maryam. As a skeptic, a label reader, and a firm believer that there are certain things you should not put in your body, Or on your skin, I needed more information. Armed with my list of ingredients, I dove right in to my research highlighting the Rockstar of her new product line: the Ormedic Anti-Oxidant Serum to ensure it was worthy of Maryam's most loyal clients. Seriously folks, you can't get any better than this.

Here's the hype and the ingredient list:
The anti-oxidant serum is synthesized with organic, botanical and natural ingredients that play vital roles in creating a healthy, well-balanced skin. In combination, the ingredients soothe, help heal wounds, stimulates, tones, firms, moisturizes, hydrates, protects against UV damage, promotes skin cell regeneration, acts as an anti-inflammatory, and detoxifies.

    Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract (Organic)
    Olea Europaea Oil (Organic)
    Sodium Hyaluronate
    Camellia Sinensis- Japanese Green Tea (Organic)
    Copper Complex
    Beta Vulgaris (Beet) Root And Haberlea rhodopensis (Yeast) Extract
    Anthyllis Vulneraria Flower Extract
    Crithmum Maritimum Extract (Coastal Marine Fennel)
    Algea Extract and Artemisia vulgaris extract (Mugwort)
    Althaea Officinalis (Marshmallow Root Extract)

So you know what I found? Every ingredient does at least one, if not more, of those things listed above. I was elated to find there wasn't one single ingredient that I didn't believe had a place in this little miracle in a bottle. In addition, this product line has this little list of positives to add to it's attractiveness:
  • Certified organic ingredients combined with highly effective ingredients and anti-oxidants
  • Products not tested on Animals
  • No Petrochemicals
  • No Chemical Preservatives
  • Fragrance composed with 100% Essential Oils
  • No silicones
  • No Parabens
Let's break it down, what I found through my independent research:
Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract (Organic) - Okay so the folks over at Image Skincare like to get a little fancy with ingredient names. This is very simply, the extract from an Aloe Vera leaf. We all know the benefits of Aloe, but for those who want to know specifically, used topically, it heals skin, protects against UV damage, helps with skin conditions such as acne and rosacea, is high in antioxidants, contains salicylic acid which has anti-aging benefits. I could go on but we know already. Aloe is great for your skin.

Olea Europaea Oil (Organic) - In case you didn't recognize it, this is Olive Oil. Since it has high vitamin E content, olive oil acts as a powerful antioxidant for the skin. Its regular application helps in maintaining youthful, healthy, glowing skin. Olive oil is a natural moisturizer as well, and you can use it for balancing the moisture levels of the skin.

Sodium Hyaluronate found naturally in the extra-cellular space within bodily tissues, especially in the face, this lovely little ingredient helps your skin bring and absorb more water more effectively helping to support and hydrate the skin.

Camellia Sinensis- Japanese Green Tea (Organic) Green tea is a potent anti-inflammatory agent thereby reducing inflammation in the skin, and most importantly having an inhibitory action on collagenase, which is a collagen-reducing enzyme that breaks down collagen.

Copper Complex has long been known to have healing qualities and much used to aid skin conditions and  help reduce physiological stress. However as a topical agent, copper-peptide is used for tissue regeneration and to help with skin conditions in persons with acne, diabetes and psoriasis.

Beta Vulgaris (Beet) Root And Haberlea rhodopensis (Yeast) Extract - quite honestly, Beet Root is more effective when ingested, but the Yeast Extract helps in increasing collagen and elastine

Anthyllis Vulneraria Flower Extract is known for it's use in healing skin.

Crithmum Maritimum Extract (Coastal Marine Fennel) is rich in Antioxidants and is a natural humectant

Algea Extract known for it's firming and anti-irritant properties, it is highly suitable for aging skin

Artemisia vulgaris extract (Mugwort) this ingredient had me a little perplexed, when ingested it has many benefits, however, I could not find any topical.

Althaea Officinalis (Marshmallow Root Extract) Smooths, helps enhance appearance of skin.
So there you have it folks. Broken down and pretty exact to their website I might add. This is some good stuff.

Image Skincare Products can be purchased from
Maryam's Skin Therapy in The Studio in Newbury Park
3537 Old Conejo Rd. #102
Newbury Park, CA 91320
(805) 498-2800

Friday, February 17, 2012

Pilates vs. Yoga - Similarities & Differences - which one is right for you?

Pilates vs. Yoga: What are the similarities and differences and which one is right for you? As a Pilates Instructor, I hear all the time, "oh yeah, it's like yoga right?" Since I practice both, I know the differences and in my opinion, they should both be on your repertoire. Oftentimes someone will tell me, I only do Yoga, or I only do Pilates. You know my philosophy, you should never do just one thing. Mixing it up keeps your interest in your health fresh. Too much of a good thing can be, well, boring. So let's break them down:

  • Both will tone your body, with a focus on abdominals.
  • Have a mind / body focus which requires concentration on movement.
  • Will increase your flexibility and range of motion
  • Help your body's alignment.
  • Encourage you to focus on breath.
  • Yoga is typically practiced on a mat or on a comfortable surrounding e.g., the beach.
    Pilates can be practiced on a Pilates machine or a mat.
  • Yoga classes are typically 60-90 minutes.
    Pilates classes are typically 60 minutes.
  • Yoga has a more of a body / spiritual focus.
    Pilates has more of a body / physical health focus.
  • Yoga will increase your sense of well-being, and can meditationally reduce stress.
    Pilates will strengthen your "core", e.g., your abs, torso, lower spine, and will help you develop long and lean muscles and will physically reduce stress.
  • Yoga will help you learn to control your breath.
    Pilates will help you learn to better control your posture.
The true difference is in the time spent doing them. I suggest strongly you try both. I mix a little yoga into everyone of my Pilates and TRX classes. You probably already like them both and don't even know it.

    Sunday, February 12, 2012

    Shiitake Hot & Sour Soup

    I saw this recipe on Dr. Oz. Created by Chef Ming Tsai, this souper soup is chock full of immunity boosting, antioxidant rich foods. Had to try it out. It's awesome and so easy. Enjoy! Link to the Recipe The only thing I did different was I used 2 Tbsp of the ginger and garlic!