Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Best Soup I've Ever Made/Had

Years ago when I was traveling through Italy, I came to love Minestrone Soup. I tried it in every restaurant I went to while I was there and my favorite was found at a little cafe in a small alley in Torin. It was the only place open when we arrived, tired and starving (during Siesta, everything is closed) and I thank my lucky stars for that. Even today, I remember how good it was, although I can no longer remember the name of the Cafe.

Since that time, it's been a favorite even though nothing has ever lived up to that Cafe in Torin. I only tried making my own once, almost 20 years ago when my cooking capabilities only consisted of following recipes with absolutely no imagination of my own. Well, I can confidently say my imagination has taken off over the past 5 years and my cooking is the better for it and with the popularity of Pinterest I can find inspiration anywhere, even in the market, by using my phone.

This is my version and it was so hearty and GOOD!
I found a recipe that looked delicious (I love seeing what my food is supposed to look like) especially because she put Tortellini in it. I purchased all the fresh Organic produce and ingredients I would need and I went to work. Here is the link to the original recipe. With props to WinnieAb I only used her ingredient list, minus the bacon (I avoid the use of pork and beef whenever possible). I found the canned ingredients in BPA free packaging (because I get a little crazier every year) and in case you're interested, here's an article highlighting which brands are listening or not regarding the BPA issue. Now many have asked for the recipe, which you can find at the link above, but that's not how I cook. I can tell you if it says 3 cloves of garlic, I'm going to AT LEAST double that. I like my Minestrone to be chock full of fresh veggies so I just cut up what looks good for me. I eyeball most everything according to my taste and improvise where I think it's appropriate.

Here's my ingredient list:

more than 1 cup Organic Basil AND parsley FRESH!
2    Organic Carrots
2 Organic Celery, ribs of
1 15 oz. can Organic Chickpeas, cooked
10 large cloves Organic Garlic
2 cup Organic Kale, chopped
1 Organic Leek
1 Organic Yellow Onion, large
4 Organic Potatoes
1 28 oz. can Organic tomatoes, with juice
1 basket Organic cherry or grape tomatoes
1 Organic Zucchini
1/4 CupHomemade Pesto
1pkgPesto Tortellini
2 bxOrganic Vegetable Broth

Here's how I made it. First I gently sauteed the carrots, celery, onion, garlic, leeks and cherry tomatoes all together. I start with the tomatoes, carrots and celery because they need to cook longer and the tomatoes need to burst, adding in the garlic, onions, leek. Then I added the broth, canned tomatoes, chickpeas potatoes, pesto and holding off til the last 15 minutes or so to add the Tortellini, finally adding the Zucchini and Kale (because I don't want them overcooked). I reserved some of the pesto for garnish, but added a good portion to the soup. If you want a cook time, I can't tell you exactly, but I taste it regularly adding Salt & Pepper when needed. Once the potatoes are cooked through and the Tortellini looks perfect, then it's basically done. I served with a dab of pesto, some fresh cut basil and Parmesan cheese on top.

I didn't know how much I was going to have but at the end it was close to 14 cups so I froze a bunch of 2 cup containers for future meals. 

I'll note here that I did not add Parmesan to my Pesto. This is an old trick I learned from a friend. I make my own pesto then freeze it in a flat glass container, cut it up into cubes and keep it in the freezer and add it to sauces. It's an amazing flavor addition to any Italian dish and you can always add the cheese once it's defrosted.


  1. I can almost smell the delicious aroma! Can't wait to try this recipe! I was wondering, to start, what did you saute the carrots, celery, onion, garlic, leeks and cherry tomatoes in?

  2. Yum! I need to try it, I already have all the ingredients in my fridge!
