Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Omega 3s - Stop Messing around and Take them Please!

So what's the big deal with Omega 3's you ask? Well.....

They are my number 1 recommendation for supplements if that tells you anything, especially all my non fish eating friends. Omega 3's have so many benefits I will simply just have to share them with you.

So, your body can't produce it's own Omega 3 Fatty acids, even though they are an essential fatty acid. It must get them from other sources. If your diet is rich in Fatty fish, Flaxseed, Almonds, walnuts, cashews and pecans then you are possibly getting enough O3s. If not, well, the downside to this is heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and a number of other ailments.

I could get technical on what the O3s do and what the imbalance between O3s & O6 causes, but I've found that most peoples eyes glaze over when I get technical so here's the bare bones which should be more than enough reason for you to bone up on your Omega 3s.

They reduce High Cholesterol
They reduce High Blood Pressure
They reduce inflammation associated with IBS, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, depression, ADHD, asthma and cancer, and if you don't have any of these, they help greatly reduce your chances of ever getting them.
They block fat storage in your body, increase metabolism and help you burn fat faster
They improve blood flow
They suppress the production of cortisol, reducing stress levels
They helps stabilize your blood sugar levels

The average American doesn't get enough Omega 3s and overloads on Omega 6. This imbalance makes for unhealthy cell function resulting in many of the negatives discussed above. So add an O3 supplement to your daily routine and eat more O3 rich foods. You will notice the difference, I promise.

To your health!

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