Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Krill Oil vs. Fish Oil

The more you know about Nutrition, the more you become aware of the 'Flavor of the Week' when it comes to supplements that will enhance your health. One of the latest to hit the media and get attention is Krill Oil and how it compares to Fish Oil.

The bottom line for both of these products is the Omega 3 essential fatty acids DHA and EPA. Both are a source of these crucial Omega-3 fats. So how do you determine which is better?

Both DHA and EPA are important but it is considered that DHA ranks higher among the two. Adding these fats promotes a plethera of health benefits, including mental acuteness, reduction of risk of heart disease, cholesterol level management and weight loss.

When picking an Omega-3 supplement it's important to look at the DHA levels, level of contamination, scientific studies to back the product and warnings or side effects.

Although Krill oil absorbs more effectively, it is very low in DHA. Claims that Krill oil is lower in toxic contamination are unjustified as with any product, decontamination is a process that most reputable manufacturers put their product through.

I found some scientific studies show benefits for cholesterol levels, but there isn't a whole lot of information out there to determine one is better than the other, other than the fact that Krill oil is said to be higher in astaxanthin, an antioxidant that crosses the blood-brain barrier, theoretically protecting the brain from free radical damage. However, there are Omega-3 supplements that contain this powerful antioxidant.  

Some things to consider:
  • If you're pregnant or breast feeding, effects of Krill oil are not known. Stay on the safe side and don't use it.
  • If you have a seafood or shellfish allergy, you may have a reaction.
  • Krill oil slows blood clotting so don't take it if this is going to be any kind of an issue.

WebMD states that "Krill oil seems to be safe for most adults when used appropriately for a short amount of time (up to 3 months). Research on krill oil has not adequately evaluated its safety or possible side effects. However, it is likely that krill oil can cause some side effects similar to fish oil such as bad breath, heartburn, fishy taste, upset stomach, nausea, and loose stools."

So my opinion, know the benefits and weigh your options. Read the labels and compare DHA, EPA and Astaxanthin before buying.


  1. Thank you for this article! I no longer have any side effect from fish oil since I've been storing mine in the fridge and swallowing it right away while it's still very cold (it really makes a difference). I take it just before breakfast. I've had Metagenics fish oil for a month and feel some real benefits already. Good stuff.

  2. A lack of omega-3 fatty acids in your diet can lead to heart and heart-related disease and inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. You should seek advice from a health care professional, however, before putting yourself on a harp seal omega 3 oil regimens high in DHA. Too much DHA can cause bleeding.

  3. This oil is completely natural. It undergoes minimal processing. You therefore don’t have to worry about the effects of additives and other chemicals. Our seal oil provides higher levels of DHA, DPA and EPA. It is a great source of omega 3 fatty acids benefits. Get in touch with us today to learn more.
